9703167 Morris The project will be conducted as part of the NSF CAREER Program. The goal of this research is to study competing mechanisms and product distributions of carbonaceous aerosol particles and NO2 under simulated nighttime conditions for urban atmospheres. The experimental studies will involve laser spectroscopy, pump-probe, and matrix isolation techniques to investigate the heterogeneous chemistry of airborne aerosols. Theoretical studies using ab initio molecular orbital techniques will be conducted as a parallel effort to the experimental studies of aerosol carbonaceous particles. For the educational plan, the investigator will develop and implement research opportunities for graduate, undergraduate, and high school students. The PI is particularly interested in teaching experimental laboratory techniques to students that will familiarize them with state-of-the-art instrumentation and modeling techniques for atmospheric chemical research. The PI intends to promote science instruction in the Washington, D.C. metro area public schools, especially in the areas of atmospheric and space sciences. The goal of this outreach program is to enhance and to reinforce science education at an early stage in order to increase the number of minority students engaged in science careers.