Abstract ATM-9711459 Swart, Peter University of Miami Title: Workshop on the Application of Sclerosponges as Paleoclimatic Indicators This award supports a workshop at the University of Miami (10 -13 May 1997) to discuss the implications of the use of sclerosponges as paleoclimatic indicators. This interdisciplinary workshop will focus in the potential of the sclerosponges (calcified demosponges) as proxy indicators of climate. These sponges secrete aragonite skeletons and colonies can span 400 years. The workshop is designed to examine the uncertainties regarding the mechanism of incorporation of stable isotopes into sclerosponge and coral skeletons; and on the degree of correlation between the ambient environment and the sponges. This workshop on the development of a new proxy indicator of paleoclimate will be an important step in widening our information base in tropical waters. It is possible that the sclerosponges will allow reconstruction of thermocline history and increase our understanding of the penetration history of anthropogenic CO2 into the upper ocean.