Abstract ATM-9730546 Broecker, Wallace S. Columbia University, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Title: Squeezing the Juice Out of Paleoclimate Proxies This "Accomplished-Based Renewal" supports work on the paleoclimate record for the last 150,000 years and its implication to our greenhouse future. The work is focussed on the causes of the abrupt climate changes which are so prominently displayed in the Greenland ice core records and to decipher how much of these past changes have come in abrupt steps as opposed to how much has been a simple sinusoidal response to orbital forcing. The large and abrupt global climate shifts may reflect discontinuous jumps in the inventory of atmospheric water vapor and are hence driven from the tropics. Dr. W.S. Broecker seek ways to reconstruct past changes in the hydrologic cycle at low latitudes and continue to explore the ocean's thermohaline circulation.