The investigators will automate the existing E-region Fabry-Perot interferometer (FPI) at Millstone Hill Observatory to enable more regular observation of D and E region winds and temperatures using emissions from hydroxyl and atomic oxygen. The upgrade will include a new plate cage to improve the stability of the instrument, a motor driven pointing head, and upgraded acquisition software to enable unattended data taking. Currently the FPI at Millstone Hill is operated manually, which limits operations because of a shortage of staff. Automation will enable the instrument to be operated on a regular basis, limited only by seeing conditions. The D and E region wind measurements will support CEDAR/TIMED science goals. CEDAR, which stands for Coupling, Energetics, and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions, is a global change program that combines theoretical modeling with ground-based measurements to study the upper atmosphere and ionosphere. TIMED, for Thermosphere, Ionosphere, Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics, is a NASA satellite program to study similar regions of the atmosphere. The joint CEDAR/TIMED program aims to coordinate ground-based and space-based observations to achieve better understanding of physical processes in the lower thermosphere and ionosphere.