Tully Knowledge of the process of galaxy formation is fundamental to a proper understanding of our origins. Theory predicts that for each big galaxy, there should be many little galaxies, but this abundance is not found. Is the theory wrong, or are small galaxies somehow concealed or suppressed? Current observations are not good enough, notably because any effects are likely to depend on environment. This project will dedicate considerable time to looking very hard in regions of varying galaxy density, to try to establish whether there really is a conflict with model predictions and whether there are any "signatures" which might identify the governing physical mechanisms.
This survey is made possible by new wide-field electronic cameras on large telescopes, as well as the availability of optical spectroscopic and radio wavelength facilities for follow-up observations. The principal investigator has preferential access to the telescopes and will be able to devote the necessary observing time to establishing the faint end of the galaxy luminosity function and its dependence on environment, much more accurately than is known today.
Whether there is agreement or disagreement, this project will advance our understanding of a fundamental property of the Universe, and will have a far-reaching influence. The researcher will pass the results on to the general public through his continuing outreach and educational activities. ***