This project will make the first measurement of Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect (SZE) scaling relations, using a sample of both rich clusters and groups of galaxies to progress toward a resolution of a long-standing problem in structure formation. Observations suggest that supernova or AGN heating and gas cooling are significant for the formation of clusters and groups of galaxies. The SZE is a unique way to probe high-redshift low-density objects, complementary to observations of the X-ray luminosity. This is new and exciting science, from a modest research effort leveraged on existing investment in a nearly-completed interferometric array of telescopes, the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Array (SZA). Two cluster samples with measured central SZE decrement and total integrated decrement will constrain the linkage of X-ray luminosity to baryon depletion or to increased gas entropy. Understanding the relationship between cluster observables and cluster mass is invaluable for using clusters as cosmological probes.
This project primarily supports a graduate student, already involved in construction and deployment of the SZA, to pursue related thesis work and to continue an established relationship between the university laboratory and a local high school teacher and her students.