This project will provide renewed support for the proposing team's work on the modeling of the surface properties of near-Earth asteroids (NEAs). The proposers have developed sophisticated computational methods for both constraining the shapes of NEAs from radar observations and for predicting the thermal infrared radiation emitted from their sunlit surfaces. By comparing the model predictions to observations obtained using space- and ground-based infrared telescopes, the team will be able to constrain the sizes and surface reflectivities (albedos) of the observed NEAs, as well as to test and refine the thermal models. The team plans to obtain radar observations of 6 to 10 NEAs per year in the 3-year term of the project, and to obtain infrared spectroscopic data for these objects and for objects with already-existing radar data. They will model the spectra using a "thermophysical" code that takes into account multiple important physical effects including heat conduction, shadowing, self-irradiation of the surface, and multiple scattering in the surface. The results will have wider implications for Solar System science, as thermal models are routinely used to infer the physical properties of small bodies. This study will enable a better quantification of the uncertainties in the sizes of NEAs and, therefore, a better assessment of the hazards from asteroid impacts on Earth. Educational opportunities for both students (K-12, undergraduate, and graduate) and teachers will be actively pursued through existing programs in place at the participating institutions.