SRI and its partners, the Universities Space Research Association (USRA) and the Universidad Metropolitana (UMET), collectively the Arecibo Managing Partners (AMP), will provide on-site staff at Arecibo during the transition period and will cooperate fully with the present Cornell University management team to ensure a graceful transition, including: continuity of the scientific observation program; seamless operation of the Education and Public Outreach (EPO) program; clear, fair, and timely transition of employee compensation and benefits; stewardship of maintenance, safety, and environmental duties; efficient initiation of new business systems; and, importantly, resolving uncertainties of the incumbent staff, user communities, and other stakeholders.
The Transition Plan is divided into two overlapping phases to ensure that all necessary functions are completed in a timely manner and with minimal impact on AO operations. The first phase covers the formal four-month transfer period while the second is an ongoing process of integration and adjustment, which will continue throughout the first year of the new Cooperative Agreement. An important feature of the transition process is the immediate appointment and relocation of the Director-designate/PI as the on- site transition manager to provide clear responsibility and accountability for transition implementation, and collaborative alignment with the incumbent, NSF, NASA, and the staff.
The objective of this project was to transition the operation and maintenance of the Arecibo Observatory from Cornell University to a team led by SRI International, with University Space Research Associates (USRA) and Universidad Metropolitana (UMET) as major teammates. The graceful transitioning of the Arecibo facility to a new management team involved providing: Uninterrupted continuity of the scientific observation program Seamless operation of the Education and Public Outreach program A clear, fair, and timely transition of employee compensation and benefits to a new employer Enduring stewardship of facility property, maintenance, safety, and environmental duties Efficient initiation at Arecibo of new business systems, including those for cost/schedule, property control, maintenance scheduling, regulatory compliance, deliverables, document control, and purchasing Transition of Information Technology (IT) and data handling responsibilities Transfer of existing service, maintenance, and support contracts to the new team Training for staff to operate with and within the new management structure. The transition was accomplished on schedule and with minimal inconveniences to Arecibo staff and users. Credit must be given to Cornell University for their cooperation during the transition period. We believe the work accomplished under this award provides the groundwork for future success and renewed productivity of the Arecibo Observatory.