Dr. Jackson and his team work on the US portion of the Millimeter Astronomy Legacy Team 90 GHz Survey (MALT90). MALT90 is a large systematic molecular line survey of dense cores and exploits the capability of the ATNF Mopra 22 m telescope for fast mapping and simultaneous imaging of 16 molecular lines near 90 GHz. This large, international project surveys molecular line emission from thousands of dense molecular cores which were also identified by the ATLASGAL 870-micron dust continuum survey. These molecular lines probe the physical, chemical, and evolutionary state in dense molecular cloud cores, which represent the early stages in the formation of high-mass stars. The target cores span the complete evolutionary ranges from pre-stellar cores, to protostellar cores, and on to H II regions. This work processes and verifies the survey data. In addition, the PI and his team will determine the kinematic distances and Galactic distribution of dense cores, which probe the Milky Way's spiral structure and compare the extragalactic molecular line-infrared luminosity correlations with those in Galactic cores. Two graduate students will work on this research as part of their PhD theses. The survey data are available to the public via the CSIRO ATNF Online Telescope Archive (AOTA). MALT90 will have broad impact within the community as a valuable resource for dense core studies. It will provide a huge, important database and will identify dozens of interesting targets of high-mass star-forming core for follow up observations with ALMA. Boston University is building an interdisciplinary team of astronomers, educators, and journalists to work closely with Lowell Observatory and Discovery, Inc. A major outreach mission will be Boston University's participation in the Lowell Navajo-Hopi program, which sends astronomers to 5th grade classrooms in Navajo-Hopi schools. One aim is to extend this program to the Boston Arts Academy and other Boston Public Schools. ATNF has an active public outreach program, and the PI will share program concepts and content materials between Lowell/Boston University and ATNF/MALT90 to advance public outreach on an international scale. The program has a strong international component and produce new scientific synergies between US, Australian, British, German, French, and Japanese astronomers.