Approximately 25 U.S. graduate students will receive travel grants to attend the IEEE DySPAN conference, a leading conference on Dynamic Spectrum Access and Cognitive Radio. The conference takes place October 16-19 in Bellevue, Washington. Participants have the opportunity to present their work, attend panel and keynote sessions, participate and attend demos, and interact with hundreds of other leading researchers in the field.

Project Report

A total of ninteen graduate students were awarded travel funds under this NSF grant to attend the 2012 DYSPAN (Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks) research conference. This included 12 students who were traveling to present a paper at the conference, two students who participated in demonstrations, three students with no paper or demo and two students who participated as conference volunteers. Travel awards were managed by the University of Colorado, Boulder and allocated by Maria Papadopouli, the Patron & Student Travel Chair. Participating students came from Boston University, Virginia Tech, CMU, Univ. of Washington, UC Santa Barbara and other universities. The travel support paid for conference registration, hotel costs and airfare costs on registered american airlines. Travel awards ranged from $525 to $1795. Funds were allocated on the basis of need and merit. Priority was given to students presenting papers at the conference and varying amounts of funding were allocated depending on how far students had to travel and the estimated costs. Students were required to submit a questionare indciating estimated travel funds and the reason for needing travel support. Students were also required to submit a letter from their academic advisor indicating they are in good standing and graduate students at their institution.

National Science Foundation (NSF)
Division of Astronomical Sciences (AST)
Standard Grant (Standard)
Application #
Program Officer
Glen Langston
Project Start
Project End
Budget Start
Budget End
Support Year
Fiscal Year
Total Cost
Indirect Cost
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