This project is a renewal of a REU Site at the SETI Institute (SI) with a focus on astronomy and planetary science, with a connecting theme of astrobiology. Ten student participants per year will be paired with SI scientists to conduct research at both SI and at the nearby NASA Ames Research Center. The undergraduate students will perform detailed research into a variety of topics, including exoplanets, asteroids, comet and meteors, Mars surface science, Saturn’s rings, the outer Solar system, and astrobiology. In addition, all participants will spend a week learning about radio astronomy at the Allen Telescope Array, studying an extremophile research site at nearby Lassen Volcanic National Park, and studying habitability and life detection at coastal field sites.
By offering high-quality research experiences to students at a critical stage of undergraduate education, the REU Site will contribute to increasing the nationwide pool of scientists and engineers. Participants will develop the research methods and analytical skills (mathematical, computational, and logical) necessary to process data, understand primary research, and to remain current with new developments in the field. The REU Site also has an active and highly developed plan to recruit underrepresented minorities into its program, which will expand STEM training opportunities to these groups.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.