The Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy (CASA) will host 6-8-undergraduates for the summer of 1989. The students, half drawn from the University of Colorado (CU) and half drawn from other institutions in Colorado or adjacent states, will spend ten weeks in a program designed to maximize both their educational and research experience. The program will begin with an intensive, two-week training period in which students will be given a thorough overview of the facilities and research tools available at CASA, and will be introduced to the CASA faculty and the available research projects. By the end of the training period each student will choose, or be assigned to, an individual research project under the guidance of a CASA scientist. Throughout the ten-week program, students will continue to meet for a daily seminar, entitled "Research in Astrophysics", for which they will receive three units of academic credit at the University of Colorado. The seminar will present students with a theoretical framework in relevant astrophysical topics, provide a wide survey of the astrophysical research at CASA, and offer advice and guidance on graduate school or future careers in astrophysics' as a "final exam", students will present oral and written summaries of their own research. In summary, the Principal Investigators' program anticipates a progressive pattern of student activities. Students begin by participating in CASA's summer program, in which they will develop the background and skills needed for continued research success. Following the summer program, it is hoped that students will continue with independent support to the development of a senior thesis in astrophysics, which in turn can lead into a successful graduate experience and career.