Abstract Oswalt The Southeastern Association for Research in Astronomy (SARA) wishes to continue its participation in the NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program. The REU program run by SARA is unique in that the host site is not a single institution, but rather a consortium of five universities in the southeastern U.S., which operates a one meter class automated telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory near Tucson , Arizona. The preparation of students for careers in science and engineering is emphasized through one-on-one collaborations with faculty who are experienced undergraduate student research mentors. Over a dozen research projects are offered, ranging from spectroscopic studies of minor planets, to the determination of the Galactic disk age from observing white dwarf stars, to target of opportunity observations of active galactic nuclei. At least 10 REU students annually will use the SARA Observatory in Arizona during the course of their summer research. In addition, multi-day workshops will expose each of them to astronomy as practiced at two to three SARA institutions during their summer internships. At the conclusion of the summer all students will present a talk and prepare a paper for publication based on their summer research. Continuing collaboration with their mentors and the presentation of papers at national meetings after the summer program is supported. The NSF/REU summer intern program is the core of SARA's effort to become a new center for undergraduate education and research in astronomy for the southeastern U.S. Our recruiting effort to attract undergraduate students will encompass the entire U.S., and will include a strong commitment to attracting minority applicants, gender equality and student diversity.