The tenth international Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research (TISLR) conference will be held on September 30 and October 1-2, 2010 at Purdue University. It is co-directed by Dr. Ronnie Wilbur and Dr. Diane Brentari. Sign language linguists will share their latest research in all areas of linguistics related to sign language structure and use. A special theme of TISLR 10 is "Research Methodologies in Sign Language Linguistics". This theme provides an opportunity for researchers to explain and discuss diverse qualitative and quantitative research methods for studying the world's sign languages. Just as technology has affected the field of linguistics generally, advances in technologies and software have made it possible to analyze sign language data more effectively and to share data electronically. The theme is reflected in the choice of plenary speakers and the construction of special sessions. Two of the invited speakers are Deaf linguists.
The work presented at TISLR is basic research, but it has an impact on areas of applied linguistics and curriculum development for sign language studies at all levels. In addition to their contributions to the conference theme, the Deaf plenary speakers serve as role models for other Deaf students and professionals. They encourage other Deaf people to seek higher education degrees and to participate in, and conduct, research in the sign languages that they know so well. In all sessions of the conference, an innovative communication policy will be implemented. TISLR 10 will actively encourage all participants who can present their talks in American Sign Language (ASL) to do so. A committee of Deaf and hearing individuals who have experience teaching and presenting in ASL will be available to help individuals who have the potential to present in ASL but have not done so to date. Since this change in communication policy toward direct communication is one that was requested by Deaf colleagues, it is expected that this policy will make sign language linguistics more accessible and more attractive to the Deaf Community at all levels.