This award will fund an International Workshop on Frontiers of Complexity Science and Social Science at the International Social Science Council, World Social Science Forum. The session will focus on issues of complexity in the social sciences. Much of the current literature in complexity science focuses on tipping points and emergent phenomena, both of which have implications for policy-making. The panel will bring together several experts in the scientific community on complexity science to present their recent research in this area. This workshop will bring together speakers from the United States, Japan, Peru, Germany, and the UK with the other participants at the World Social Science Forum.
The workshop session has strong potential to contribute to the complexity science literature and to identify future areas of research. The proposal is well designed and is organized by a leading scientist in the field who has experience designing workshops and symposia.
The proposed workshop has strong broader impacts in that it will strengthen international collaborations in the area of complexity science that is very important to the SBE sciences.