The 21st International Symposium on Aviation Psychology (ISAP) is scheduled to take place May 18-21, 2021, in Portland, OR. ISAP showcases cutting-edge research on human cognition and performance, fosters collaboration between researchers and operators, and envisions and empirically tests design solutions that match aviation technology to human capabilities. The symposium encourages researchers to focus basic research on applied needs. It is founded on the idea that meaningful interactions between basic researchers and front-line practitioners are necessary to advance knowledge and turn it to society?s benefit. Although aerospace is the focus of ISAP, the meeting?s interest in the basic science of human performance encourages cross-fertilization with other areas of application, including medicine, ground transportation, and military command and control. The knowledge generated therefore is not limited to aviation applications.
Topics of interest at ISAP include human-system integration, display design, training and simulation, human interaction with autonomous systems, personnel selection, and sociotechnical system effectiveness, all as applied within systems on the ground, in the air, and in space. In plenary panel sessions, practitioners (e.g., pilots, air traffic controllers, maintenance personnel) present the critical safety issues that they face, and researchers present the latest scientific and technological approaches to achieving solutions. Three additional plenary sessions feature invited speakers, selected to represent a breadth of scientific disciplines and topics pertinent to aviation. Over the course of the symposium, researchers have the opportunity to present their latest scientific, engineering, or methodological work in either a spoken or a poster session. ISAP also places a special emphasis on fostering student involvement by conducting a Best Student Paper Competition.
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