A two-day planning workshop will be held in Washington, DC, to consider in detail the current state of undergraduate cognitive science education and to issue recommendations for future directions. The workshop was initially suggested in the final report of the 1991 planning workshop for the cognitive science initiative at the National Science Foundation. It will be attended by approximately sixteen representatives of the cognitive science community, drawn from colleges, universities, and industry, as well as by program personnel from NSF and other government agencies. A survey of existing cognitive science programs will be conducted prior to the workshop. The workshop will consider ways to bring more intellectual coherence to the cognitive science major, the role of introductory courses in student recruitment, the role of computational resources in undergraduate programs, the implications of new developments in cognitive science research for the undergraduate curriculum, and the role of various kinds of faculty and student development programs in the improvement of undergraduate cognitive science education. The final report will issue recommendations for the future development of cognitive science education, and working subgroups of participants will be formed to pursue some of the recommendations.