ABSTRACT P.I. Alan Rogers SBR-9310105 During the past several years, a vigorous controversy has surrounded the origins of modern people, Homo sapiens. Much of this involves the interpretation of the new molecular genetic data (from mitochondrial DNA) originally marshalled in support of the "Eve" hypothesis for a relatively recent explosion of modern humans out of Africa, replacing archaic forms of humans around the globe (as opposed to the "multiregional" hypothesis of modern human origins, which sees evidence of modern human population relationships to older fossil finds - for example, a relation between modern Chinese and Pekin Man, who lived some 300,000 years ago). While this argument has generated a great deal of interest, it remains unresolved for a number of theoretical reasons. This project will provide a more rigorous test of the Eve vs. the Multiregional hypotheses by 1) formulating and testing quantitative models of modern human origins: 2) providing significance levels, confidence limits, and power analyses: and 3) using nuclear as well as mitochondrial DNA markers. The study will analyze materials from a sample comprising 75 representatives of each of three major continental populations. At least 150 mitochondrial DNA markers will be analyzed, and also at least 70 nuclear markers, including 9 on the Y chromosome. *** Panthrojfried9310105.abs # # 5 " " m5 " " 5 ' ' 5 * * 6 , , C6 : : y6 - - B N N B R;V ?V CV " ! ! ! D ( Times New Roman Symbol & Arial | | | Z " h G %M %L % p = Jonathan Friedlaender Jonathan Friedlaender