This proposal was received in response to the Nanoscale Science and Engineering initiative, NSF 02-148, category NIRT.
Recent advances in microwave synthesis that promise to revolutionize the time required to fabricate catalysts at the nanoscale. Zeolites, mixed metal oxides and mesoporous molecular sieves typically can require extended synthesis times because of slow nucleation and growth of ordered structures. This project promises to greatly reduce the time required for preparing an array of materials, and it will also fundamentally advance our understanding of nanoporous crystalline materials synthesis. A multidisciplinary team having an excellent track record in the proposed area of research, will address synthesis, characterization and theoretical aspects of catalysis by these materials. Graduate students will clearly benefit from the interdiscplinary environment, and there will be strong participation in the on-going Northeast Alliance REU program involving minority students. The research program will forge ties with industry also.