Proposal Title: 2006 Gordon Research Conference
Proposal Number: CTS - 0610952
Principal Investigator: Robert J. Davis
Institution: Gordon Research Conferences
Analysis (rationale for decision):
The 2006 Gordon Conference on Catalysis will be held on June 25-30, 2006 at Colby-Sawyer College in New London, New Hampshire. A forum on current and future trends will be offered by a group of highly innovative researchers. The topics will include: 1) gold catalysis; 2) theoretical and modeling approaches; 3) biocatalysis, biorenewable feedstocks, and fuel cells; 4) hydrocarbon conversion; and 5) novel catalytic materials. These themes are of strong interest to researchers in both the academic and industrial catalysis communities. Partial support will be provided for the speakers, but broader involvement of graduate students, post-doctoral students, and younger faculty will also be supported. This Gordon conference will foster better communication among current and future leaders on topics that are at the forefront of modern catalysis research.