The specific objectives are to: -Establish priorities for future translational nanomedicine and stimulate research, whereby nanotechnologies and nanoscience paradigms will facilitate drug delivery, drug and therapeutic development, in vivo imaging, in vitro diagnostics, active implants and tissue repair/regeneration. -Include as speakers a multidisciplinary group of outstanding scientists and engineers from academia and industry working in the materials, biological and physical science disciplines toward the development of nanodevices and nanotechnologies, together with visionary clinical researchers from translational research programs supported by NIH and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute who have expertise in genomics, proteomics, multiple organ systems, molecules and pathways implicated in common human diseases. - Stimulate uniquely transformative, novel, and integrative strategies to catalyze the application to clinical practice of. This includes acceleration of the development of nanoscale techniques that enable in vivo probes of cellular and subcellular physiology.