This award provides support for graduate-student travel to the 7th US National Combustion Meeting, organized by the Central States Section of the Combustion Institute. The meeting will be hosted by the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA from March 20-23, 2011. NSF funds are targeted to increase the participation of graduate students at the meeting.
In 1999, the three United States sections of the international Combustion Institute - Eastern States, Central States, and Western States - initiated a biennial series of national meetings on combustion. These meetings have been highly successful, based on the attendance and the number of presentations. Consequently, this biennial event has gained a prominent stature and become the premier national conference in fundamental and applied combustion.
Intellectual Merit: The conference will consist of three days of primarily contributed presentations organized in multiple parallel sessions each day. (Typically, there are six or more parallel sessions.) The contributed presentations will include both podium and poster presentations. A few invited speakers will also present each day. Information about the availability of travel support to graduate students will be provided in all the meeting announcements and on appropriate websites. In addition, an announcement about the availability of travel support will be mailed to members of the Combustion Institute.
Broader Impacts: Combustion research is a multi-disciplinary field encompassing diverse disciplines in engineering and science. Society relies on combustion for power generation, transportation, and manufacturing. This conference allows combustion-focused researchers to exchange ideas in a stimulating technical forum. Policymakers will also be in attendance to participate in the exchange of information. The intellectual merit and broader Impacts of this activity arise from the participation of combustion experts from across the United States and from various countries, dissemination of their technical findings, their communications with students, and their visions of future research directions.
This program provided for graduate-student travel to the 7th US National Combustion Meeting, organized by the Central States Section of the Combustion Institute. The meeting was hosted by the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA from March 20-23, 2011. This meeting is attended by leading combustion experts from the across the country as well as the world. As such, it serves as an important venue for networking, collaboration, and sharing ideas. The meeting consisted of an opening reception, parallel technical tracks where papers are presented, and plenary sessions with presentations by well regarded scholars and technologists. Students are an important part of these meetings, both from a workforce development point of view as well as an important venue for them to interface with other combustor scientists and technologists. This program was developed to promote their participation by paying up to $200 in travel costs for students on US carriers. A key outcome of this work was travel awards being provided to 47 graduate students who were able to attend the meeting and present their papers. As such, it contributed to development of the science and technology base of our nation by encouraging student involvement in a critical area related to energy and environment.