1153340(Cortes-Caminero). AIChE will co-host, with EPA and NSF, a workshop that is intended to catalyze the advancement of the design of sustainable supply chains nationwide. The workshop will be held at NSF on September 12-13, 2011. This workshop will bring together government leaders, industry representatives, and academic experts to chart the way forward on design of sustainable supply chains. It will provide a forum for university, federal agency and industry thought leaders to share their vision for sustainable supply chain design, outlining challenges, knowledge gaps, and research needs. This workshop will foster partnerships necessary to develop and propagate sustainable supply chain design. The workshop program, presentations and related resources will be placed on the Internet for the public at large. In addition, a final report will be issued that contains recommendations on areas in need of research. The report will identify the greatest opportunities for, and the obstacles that might hinder the creation of sustainable supply chains.