Support from the National Science Foundation is requested for the 'Synthetic Biology: Engineering, Evolution and Design (SEED) Conference 2015' to be held at the Boston Park Plaza in Boston, MA from June 10-13, 2015. The SEED Conference is being organized under the auspices of the Society of Biological Engineering of the Americal Institute of Chemical Engineers. The conference provides leadership in the development of Synthetic Biology and serves to broaden participation by appealing to broad sectors in industry and academia focusing specifically to include young investigators and those outside of the field.
SEED2015 is the second in an annual series of meetings held to address researchers from industry and academia in the area of Synthetic Biology. The field of Synthetic Biology is highly interdisciplinary with faculty and students spread across departments that focus on engineering (biological, chemical, electrical, mechanical, civil, computer science) and basic science (biology and systems biology, chemistry, physics. The conference provides a forum for discussions on Synthetic Biology across these disciplines.
The conference is co-sponsered by the Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering Program of the CBET Division and by the Synthetic and Systems Biology Program of the Division of Molecular and Cellular Biology.