This project aims to transform microscopy from the current low-speed benchtop system into the first-of-a-kind high-speed miniature/portable device that will enable wearable, handheld applications. The microscope will include many of the currently available separate optical modalities into a single multi-parameter system. The proposed system will retain these modalities with no reduction in performance yet with improved portability, reduction in size, and increased data collection efficiency for functional imaging capabilities. This breakthrough is expected to find broad applications in areas spanning from neuroscience to clinical treatment of cancer, personalized screening of cardiovascular drugs, and management of wound healing.
The technology developed in this program will significantly expand the scope of multi-parametric PAM beyond basic research in anesthetized of restrained animals. The multidisciplinary nature of the proposed research involving optical and mechanical design, numerical simulation, microfabrication, data processing, instrument development and testing will offer well-balanced training opportunities for all participants.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.