Naturally occurring and synthetic organic molecules play multifaceted roles in the ecosystem and human health. Comprehensive characterization of these organic molecules help advance our scientific understanding of various environmental and health challenges that impact society. This project supports the acquisition of a state-of-the-art liquid chromatograph-high resolution mass spectrometer (LC-HRMS) at Syracuse University (SU). This instrument will enhance research and training on the measurement of organic molecules in diverse samples and enable SU investigators and researchers in central New York to tackle multidisciplinary research questions at the interface of environment and health. This instrument will also strengthen SU’s curriculum and research training programs and broaden participation of students from underrepresented groups in scientific inquiries to foster diversity and inclusion in collaborative research and creative work at SU.
Acquisition of a liquid chromatograph-high resolution mass spectrometer (LC-HRMS) will bring to Syracuse University (SU) a next-generation analytical tool to support a broad array of mass spectrometry applications ranging from contaminant screening and molecular fingerprinting to structural and quantitative proteomics. This instrument will fill a crucial gap in organic analytical facilities at SU and accelerate the pace of many ongoing and planned research projects in priority areas of national interest, such as water quality and treatment, biogeochemistry, indoor environmental quality, chemical biology, and bioinspired materials. This instrument will present new opportunities for SU faculty and students to develop novel screening and discovery workflows and to engage in new interdisciplinary collaborations with researchers spanning multiple disciplines and multiple institutions from central New York and beyond. This instrument will also expose SU students to cutting-edge mass spectrometry methods via new active-learning course modules and research training programs and equip them with analytical skills and scientific thinking needed to further their education. The long-term vision for operating this instrument as a shared user facility is to pursue leading-edge research and enhance SU’s core education mission by providing new analytical capabilities and technical expertise to SU and regional communities.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.