This award is to support the US-Japan Joint Workshop on Thermal Transport, Materials Informatics and Quantum Computing to be held virtually on March 22-25, 2021 over the ZOOM and Gather.Town platforms. With the recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI), there is an opportunity to leverage AI to further advance thermal transport so as to maximize the ability to systematically develop thermal materials with desirable properties, i.e., materials-by-design. This workshop seeks to promote conversations among the thermal transport communities and the greater machine learning and materials informatics communities to cultivate international collaborations with Japanese researchers. Quantum computing, as one of important topics in materials informatics, is also a key element of this workshop. The workshop is designed to maximize diversity and inclusion via broadening participations of researchers and engineers from diverse backgrounds and inviting speakers from underrepresented groups.

This US-Japan joint workshop brings together researchers from academia, national lab, and industry in both US and Japan to cultivate research collaborations in AI, Materials Informatics, Thermal Transport, and Quantum Computing. It features four themes: Data Infrastructure, AI-driven Experimental Discovery, Simulation-aided Materials Informatics & Thermal Transport, and AI and Quantum Computing. The new opportunities and future research directions identified from this workshop will be disseminated through a perspective article. The AI- and quantum-fueled advances in thermal transport research will also benefit innovations in industry. The workshop will initiate exchanges of students, postdoctoral fellows and faculty, as well as sharing of research facilities between the U.S. and Japan. This workshop will also provide the next generation of scientists and engineers a platform to interact with established researchers and their peers from diverse backgrounds.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.

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University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame
United States
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