This project allows for the measurement of mutal diffusion coefficients, thermal conductivities, and shear viscosities for ten nonideal, binary liquid mixtures over the entire composition range and over the liquid range between Oo and 90oC at ambient pressure. In conjunction with the measurements being made on the heats of transport for these same mixtures, the measurements provide a consistent set of data as a function of both composition and temperature for development and testing of liquid-mixtures transport models. In particular, corresponding states techniques and local composition models are utilized and tested. Additionally, thermodynamic information from the temperature dependence of measured excess enthalpies (already available) are used to determine thermodynamic nonidealities and to back-calculate Onsager coefficients from the measured transport properties. This provides a complete set of Onsager heat-mass coefficients and their composition and temperature dependence. Correlation and interpretation of relationships between them and thermodynamic properties are investigated.