Potable water disinfection is accomplished primarily through various chlorination processes. Several problems such as the production of toxic byproducts, lack of stability toxic gas leaks, and corrosion of distribution systems can result from these procedures. Recent research has indicated the potential for using organic N-halamines as general purpose disinfectants. These compounds are formed by the addition of chlorine, bromine, or chlorine and bromine to either oxazolidinone or imidazolidinone rings. As a group these compounds exhibit numerous characteristics desirable in a disinfectant including stability in solid and aqueous forms; limited reactivity with organic impurities in water; and effectiveness against a variety of bacteria, protozoans, fungi, and viruses. They are noncorrosive and nontoxic. The organic N-halamines have the potential to be more effective disinfectants than many of the chlorination procedures currently used. The proposed project will test the disinfectant potential of three organic N-halamines; a chlorinated compound (agent A), a brominated compound (agent AB), and a chloro-brominated compound (agent ABC). Following synthesis of the compounds, aqueous solutions will be tested for bactericidal activity under different concentrations, pHs, temperatures, and organic loads. The compounds will be tested against Escherichia coli, Pseudomonos aeruginosa, and Streptococcus faecalis. These organisms were chosen based on their resistance to antimicrobial agents, their potential health hazards, and/or as indicators of fecal pollution. Award is recommended as a standard grant for two years in the amount of $82,018 to be in two increments, the initial one of which will be $11,812 (FY 87). The remainder is recommended to be made as a unilateral action by NSF in FY 1988.//