The objective of this project is to conduct exploratory research on filtration techniques for detection and recovery of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and on the use of gene probe techniques for detection of the presence of this virus in water that has been in contact with solid and liquid wastes that are contaminated with this virus. In this preliminary research, recovery of the virus will be investigated by use of positively charged depth filters, a technique that has been shown to absorb virus particles at or nearly a neutral pH. Positive results of detection procedures will be confirmed by use of tissue culture when applicable or by restriction analysis and subsequent gel electrophoresis to visualize the viral constituents or metabolic products. This project is being supported under the NSF Program of Expedited Awards for Novel Research. Results of this project are expected to assist in determination of the impact that potential contamination of water by the HIV-virus can have on the engineering design of processes and systems for disinfection and decontamination of environmental resources.