This grant is for the acquisition of an argon ion laser and a small angle light scattering goniometer to complete a laser light scattering spectrometer capable of making quantitative measurements from 0.5 degrees to 20 degrees scattering angles. When completed the spectrometer will be used to study: 1. Diffusion and hydrogen bonding in solution of alcohols and carboxylic acids. 2. Kinetics of hydrolysis and sol formation by organic esters of metals (silicon, germanium, etc.) 3. Characterization of silicone oil/nonionic surfactant/water microemulsions. 4. Kinetics of colloidal particle aggregation and breakup. 5. Other projects in which it can be used as an analytical tool in studies of polymer solutions, ceramic powder synthesis, and encapsulated enzyme reactions. Light scattering spectroscopy is becoming an increasingly necessary tool in many aspects of engineering which deal with colloidal phenomena. Among the most important, which is affected by the acquisition of this equipment, are processes which occur in the manufacturing of advanced, high performance materials, including ceramic, composite, and electronic materials.