CTS-9310768 Gordon Research Conference Csaba G. Horvath ABSTRACT Funds from this award will be used to assist with the travel costs for participants in the Gordon Research Conference on "Reactive Polymers, Ion-Exchangers and Adsorbents" to be held August 22-27, 1993. The central topics for the meeting will be (1) preparation and characterization of ultrapure water, (2) novel sorbent-configurations for enhancement of efficiency, (3) catalysis by polymers, (4) advances in reactive polymers, (5) interaction of proteins with surfaces, (6) chiral separations and (7) chromatography of proteins. This small conference is an important meeting for stimulating new research directions and for the exchange of ideas across traditional disciplines. The choice of subject areas for the meeting is timely as there is considerable current interest in problems associated with water purification and chiral separations.