CTS-9320135 University of Texas at Austin William J. Koros ABSTRACT The objective of this SGER project is the organization and development of a National Separations Summer School for new faculty in chemical engineering. A trend in hiring new engineering professors in nontraditional emerging areas coupled with industrial restructuring including massive early retirement programs threatens the transfer of fundamental knowledge and skill as well as the infrastructure in the chemical industry sector. With a scope spanning from traditional separation methods to new technologies, the course should prepare faculty to be more effective instructors in separations and should stimulate their active participation in the field with new research directions. FLW K PSFONTS K ! 89DECS PRE .N T"" AUTOEXECBAT i J BURKA PRE dP #zs SAVERS j " ICONS j " LM Y CTS-9320135 University of Texas at Austin William J. Koros ABSTRACT The objective of this SGER project is the organizati z | | ! F | | ( Times New Roman Symbol & Arial Apple LaserWriter II NT LPT3: pscript Apple LaserWriter II NT U D o d , X Z e Apple LaserWriter II NT U D o d , X Z e " h 2 2 1 Nichelle Coward Nichelle Coward