PROPOSAL REVIEW AND ANALYSIS Proposal Number: CTS-9322657 P.I.: R.C. Alkire et al Institution: Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Context: (within which proposal was reviewed) Sixteen proposals were received and reviewed in the Advanced Materials and Processing Program (AMPP) by the Interfacial Transport and Separation Processes (ITSP) Program. All 16 proposals were sent out for mail review. This proposal had reviewers suggested by the following programs or division; ITSP Chemical Reaction Processes, Chemistry Division and Solid-State Chemistry and Polymers. The 16 proposals were then reviewed by a panel of five experts who met at NSF on May 4, 1994. the panelists were given the mail reviews to consider together with their own individual reviews. They were asked to rank-order the proposals and place them in one of three groups: Highly Recommended Recommended (if funds are available) Not Recommended (not rank-ordered) Analysis: This proposal was placed in the Highly Recommended category (top three proposals). A grant is highly recommended at a reduced level based upon comments from the reviewers and panelists. The following programs have agreed to co-fund this proposal: ITSP, Chemical Reaction Process, and Solid-State Chemistry and Polymers. CTS-9322657 Alkire et al, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Schedule of Funding FY 94 FY 95 FY 96 TOTAL 1414 36,667 36,667 36,666 110,000 1401 36,667 36,666 36,667 110,000 1762 36,666 36,667 36,667 110,000 TOTAL 110,000 110,000 110,000 330,000