9410385 Throne The research proposed in this application is concerned with a recently developed generalized eigensystem finite element technique for the inverse problem of electrocardiography will be extended, compared with other existing methods and validated by comparison with experimental results. Preliminary results indicate that the new generalized eigensystem method performs better than existing approaches on a previously reported eccentric spheres model problem with anterior and posterior spherical cap sources. This generalized eigensystem technique will first be applied to the inhomogeneous eccentric spheres problem and then to a realistic human torso model with realistic human epicardial potentials. With both models the effects of errors in estimating the conductivities, errors in the anisotropic properties, and geometrical errors will be examined and compared with previously reported methods. In addition, the techniques will be validated and compared with experimental results from an isolated rabbit heart preparation. Computational issues such as improved spectral finite elements, robustness, accuracy, and efficiency will be considered. ***