9414147 Elterich Maritime regions of the world and facing new opportunities to create a complex regional infrastructure system which embodies multi-function developments. Such transformation requires a comprehensive analysis of interactions among all related elements: global commerce and economy; environment; land use; the resources; and political milieu as well as engineering and technology. This project develops a large-scale model which organizes the system's elements to facilitate the analysis, predicts the consequences of a decision, and identifies the actions to achieve a given set of objectives. Furthermore, the model incorporates new methods and treatments of uncertainty which exists in the causal relationships and the effect of uncertainty on the strength of the logical arguments in the plan justification. The project is divided into three phases: Phase 1: Identification of the elements of the river basin system and their relationships among themselves. Phase 2: Formulation of a set of models for the land/sea inter-phase system. Phase 3: Testing of the model validity through real-world application: The Rio de la Plata Region of Argentina as a case study.