ABSTRACT Proposal Number: CTS 96-10402 Principal Investigator: Dutton This is a grant to purchase an injection-seeded ND:YAG laser that will be dedicated to supporting two ongoing fluid dynamics research programs. The first project is aimed at obtaining quantitative, time-resolved measurements of molecular mixing in high Reynolds number jets and shear layers. The diagnostic technique that has been developed for this purpose uses the simultaneous excitation of planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) from a cold chemistry tracer seeded in one stream and a passive scalar tracer seeded in another stream, such that the fraction of jet fluid mixed at the molecular level can be determined. The second project has as its objective the development and application of a new three-laser coherent anti-Stokes Raiman scattering (CARS) technique for the simultaneous measurement of pressure, temperature, and density in high-speed gas flows. For these measurements the wavelelgths of the second pump laser and the Stokes laser are selected so that the vibrational and pure rotational spectra of nitrogen are simultaneously acquired. Pressure and temperature can be determined from the shape of the three-laser CARS spectra, and density is obtained from an equation of state.