~ 'e - - Proposal No: 9732560 Proposal Type: Request for Conference Support Principal Investigator: Yi Hua Ma Affiliation: Worcester Polytechnic Institute This grant is awarded through the Separations and Purification Program sub-element of the Interfacial, Transport and Separations Program of the Chemical and Transport Systems Division. The principal investigator is Dr. Yi Hua Ma at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. The conference is the Fifth International Conference on Inorganic Membranes, Nagoya, Japan, June 22-26, 1998. A This is a topical area fully relevant to the Interfacial, Transport and Separation Processes Program. The objective of the conference is to bring together international researchers and industrial practitioners to present and discuss their results on inorganic membranes, which is a relatively new technology for high temperature separations. The conference will provide and for the U.S. participants to gain an understanding of the inorganic membrane activities relating to separations technology in the Pacific Rim. ~ The conference will cover both theoretical and experimental aspects of inorganic membranes with topics encompassing membrane preparation, membrane transport phenomena, characterization, membrane reactors and process systems. The conference will include plenary lectures, and oral and poster presentations. ~ ' it