Abstract - Klug -9733136 Prof. Christopher A. Klug, of Stanford University, will use in-situ NMR techniques to study two types of catalytic systems of importance to environmental catalysis and energy minimization issues. Supported metallocene catalysts for alkene stereoselective polymerization, and supported vanadia for the decomposition of NOx and chlorohydrocarbons will be studied. The PI will use various NMR techniques: CPMAS, 1 and 2-dimensional pulse NMR, homonuclear and heteronuclear dipolar coupling experiments. He will also develop multiply tuned NMR probes and in situ catalysis-NMR cells. Zr metallocenes prepared jointly by StanfordOs Waymouth group will be supported on silica or alumina with controlled dehydroxylation level. The initial steps of the stereoselective polymerization mechanism will be studied by characterizing in situ short chains of polypropylene. The microstructure and morphology of the polymers produced on the heterogeneous catalyst will be correlated with physical property determinations by WaymouthOs group. In another application of NMR, supported vanadia over alumina or complex K-promoted vanadia-tungsta over titania-alumina will be prepared and characterized. 17O, 51V, 29Si and 27Al NMR will be used to study the Mars-Van Krevelen-type oxygen insertion mechanism and oxygen and vanadium diffusion kinetics. The SCR of NOx with ammonia and the decomposition of CH3CH2Cl will be studied in situ with 13C, 15N, and 35Cl NMR. The modifications induced by potassium and its interactions with chemisorbates will be studied with 39K NMR. On the educational side, Prof. Klug will renew efforts to recruit minority, and will develop a new course in environmental catalysis for engineers for the multidisciplinary environmental sciences curriculum at Stanford.