Author: vjohn at nsf18 Date: 7/11/98 9:07 AM Priority: Normal TO: adthomas Subject: 9816453 - Weber abstract Message Contents Abstract Proposal No: 9816453 Proposal Type: Request for Conference+Workshop Support Principal Investigator: Stephen Weber Affiliation: University of Pittsburgh This grant is awarded through the Interfacial, Transport and Separations Program of the Chemical and Transport Systems Division. The principal investigator is Dr. Stephen Weber at the University of Pittsburgh. A 1-day conference + workshop titled "New Developments in Chemical Separations from Combinatorial Chemistry and Related Synthetic Strategies" will be supported through this grant. The workshop will be held on August 22nd, 1998, at Boston, in conjunction with the annual meeting of the American Chemical Society. The role of this conference/workshop is to bring scientists and engineers working in separations science together to discuss novel ideas in combinatorial chemistry that could speed up advances in separation science. The power of combinatorial chemistry and related synthetic strategies is being pursued intensively by the pharmaceutical industry as an efficient way to drug development. The techniques developed by the pharmaceutical companies have tremendous implications to materials development and the question therefore arises - can combinatorial synthesis and related strategies be used in the development of better separations media? This conference + workshop seeks to address the question. In a half-day session, plenary talks will be held to educate across the barriers of discipline and scale (the conference aspect). In the second half-day session, the partic ipants will break out into small groups to develop new ideas. To summarize, a panel will convene to discuss and comment on the results of the breakout groups. A full report will be submitted to NSF on the results of the panel discussions.