This project establishes an REU site at Towson University in several fields of computer science, including operating systems, applied cryptography, real-world algorithms, network security, wireless networks, intelligent agents, cognitive robotics, and computer vision. Although the proposed student projects are in a number of computer science specialties, security is a strong theme at this site.
This REU site will engage 8 interns per summer in the on-going NSF and industry sponsored research of the PI and faculty mentors at Towson University. In addition to the formal research projects, the site will host a series of lectures by scientists from University of Maryland, NASA, Johns Hopkins, NIST, etc., and it will sponsor field trips to nearby academic, governmental, and industrial laboratories. The summer program will provide special training on applying for graduate school, and will coach students on taking the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). A highlight of this site will be a 2-day ethics unit.