Modern mobile computing systems are an integral part of the lives of millions of users. Although the latest microprocessors enable these devices to provide improved services, reducing energy consumption remains a major design challenge. Energy reduction techniques for interactive mobile systems are not well understood. The objective of this work is to develop methodologies and tools to reduce energy consumption of interactive systems from the display, application and operating system (OS) perspectives. The problems that we will tackle are as follows: Energy-efficient graphical user interface (GUI) design, Energy-aware application adaptation framework, and OS-supported dynamic power management (DPM) and dynamic voltage scaling (DVS).
The results of the research will be made available on the Web. It will also be disseminated to the industry through the companies affiliated with the NJCST Center for Embedded System-on-a-Chip Design that the PI heads. Currently, three companies are commercializing tools developed in the PI's group. This offers additional avenues for technology transfer.