TITLE CPATH CB: Living In the KnowlEdge Society (LIKES)
PI Edward Carr
The Living In the KnowlEdge Society (LIKES) Community Building project, led by four sites (Virginia Tech, Villanova, NC A&T, and U. Texas El Paso), is transforming computing education for the 21st Century. The LIKES community, in collaboration with those from other disciplines, is identifying key computing concepts in these disciplines, then developing and implementing tools and techniques that enable learning of both computing concepts and the concepts of the disciplines.
Through a series of four workshops, related online community discussions, and our own research, the LIKES community is discovering key computing related issues in core disciplines and engaging leaders nationwide in brainstorming about their computing (education) needs. This aids faculty members, in computing-related education programs, such as Computer Science and Information Systems Departments, and in core / liberal education courses, engage with each other to build the global Knowledge Society. Deliverables include (1) new pedagogies in computing education; (2) integration of computing concepts into non-computing disciplines; (3) principles, guidelines, and techniques for integrating computing and non-computing curriculums; and (4) formation of new communities for enhancing that integration. This transforming of education in computing-related disciplines will yield a next generation of builders of the Knowledge Society.