The NSF Workshop on Nanoelectronics, Nanophotonics and Plasmonics will address the major challenges in developing devices, logical gates, and algorithms to address the complex needs in computing and communication. This workshop will consist of sessions in which the invited experts and representatives of government laboratories and funding agencies will make presentations on their work and their vision of the future research directions. Current PIs funded under EMT program will review their work in the areas of nanoelectronics, nanophotonics and plasmonics. A panel discussion will follow with the objective to formulate a broad program of research on nanoelectronics, nanophotonics, and plasmonics. The participants, experts in these disparate field, will engage in discussions on potential areas where their research can lead to the possible establishment of new research fields that can yield novel solutions to the needs of the computing and informatics processing community. The eventual product of this two day discussions and brain storming will be a comprehensive report to be presented to the NSF on the current needs, challenges, and directions deemed as urgent and important by experts in these specific areas.