The 15th annual IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA-15) is co-located with the 14th ACMSIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practiceof Parallel Programming (PPoPP 09), which is being held February 14-18, 2009. HPCA is one of the top conferences in the field of Computer Architecture. The conference addresses a broad spectrum of concerns for computer architecture and computer design including microarchitecture, cache and memory system design, parallel computer architectures, power-efficient architectures, embedded and reconfigurable architectures, I/O systems, and performance evaluation.
The conference organizers are requesting $10,000 to fund 20-30 student travel grants for graduate students attending the conference. Student authors who are presenting papers will receive highest funding priority, followed by non- presenting authors, followed by other students. Students must apply for a travel grant in advance of the conference and are required to write a brief summary of their experience. Grants may cover expenses related to travel to Raleigh for the dates of the conference, and hotel expenses while in Raleigh. The nominal size of the award will be in the range of $250-$500.