This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5).
A recently developed technology, called opportunistic coding, can greatly improve the e±ciency of wireless networks. However, the problems of cooperation and security in opportunistic-coding-based (OCB) wireless networks have not received su±cient attention. Here cooperation problems are the problems introduced by the existence of sel¯sh nodes in the wireless networks, while security problems are the problems introduced by the existence of adversarial nodes. This work is to design and implement solutions that can provide cooperation and security guarantees for OCB wireless networks. The research work can be divided into studied of three problem areas, namely the cooperation problems, the security problems, and the interplays of cooperation and security. The work also includes the dissemination of related knowledge to students at various levels.
Intellectual Merit: The results of this work will signi¯cantly improve OCB wireless networks in terms of cooperation and security. Furthermore, these results will also have broader theoretical interests, because a part of the techniques to be developed will be applicable to economic incentives problems in other settings as well.
Broader Impacts: First, the developed technical solutions will bene¯t the society because they make it possible to widely deploy OCB wireless networks to environments with sel¯sh or adversarial nodes. Second, the educational component of this work will build capacity in cooperation and security at various levels.