This proposal requests NSF support to broaden participation in The International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO) to be held in Chamonix, France April 2-6, 2011. The International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO) is the premier venue to bring together researchers and practitioners working on bridging the gap between software abstraction and hardware execution. This proposal aims to increase the impact of this conference by enabling participation by studentsfrom US-based institutions for whom travel support would otherwise preclude their attendance.
is the premier venue to bring together researchers and practitioners working on bridging the gap between software abstraction and hardware execution. The 2011 CGO was held in Chamonix, France between April 2-6, 2011. The purpose of the NSF travel grant was to support and increase the participation of graduate students attending U.S. universities, by partially covering their travel expenses. Our goal was to make the travel to the conference no more expensive than previous years, when the conference was held in USA. The NSF funds were used to support 8 students, all of them attending U.S. universities. Each student received $1,250. All the recipients were participants in the conference (either conference presenters, workshop presenters, poster presenters, or co-authors). The conference had 105 submissions, of which 28 were accepted. The conference program included 2 keynotes, 7 workshops and 10 tutorials on the first two days. In addition, the conference had a poster session, and a conference excursion, which gave the students plenty of opportunities to interact with the attendees of the conference, a total of 223. In addition to the NSF support, we received donations to support student travel expenses from other sources. In particular, students from European institutions were supported by HiPEAC. Other sources of support included Google, Intel, ST, Microsoft, IBM, and Reservoir Labs.