The demand for highly accurate position and time information, provided by localization and synchronization methods, respectively, is growing rapidly. However, classical localization and synchronization methods are approaching their limits. Utilizing quantum properties promises to push these boundaries beyond classical limitations and provide unprecedented accuracy. This project aims to develop theoretical and practical methodologies for the design and analysis of quantum localization and synchronization networks. These methodologies consist of statistical models and distributed algorithms to harness quantum phenomena for beyond-classical localization and synchronization. The broader impact of this research includes the creation of a new network-centric approach for future quantum localization and synchronization networks. Cross-pollinating ideas and methodologies adopted in this research effort will bring new perspectives and initiate new directions in the study of quantum information science. The outcomes of the proposed research will be widely disseminated through publication in premier journals and international conferences, presentation in seminars and tutorials, as well as integration into teaching materials. Furthermore, the project will create a cadre of engineers with the capability to design and engineer future quantum networks. The success of this project will contribute to the leadership of United States in quantum information science and technology.
The award will explore new opportunities and dimensions offered by the unique properties (e.g., multipartite entanglement), associated with discrete- and continuous-variable quantum states, inherent in quantum networks. To this end, the project will employ multidisciplinary approaches (including statistical inference, network optimization, and quantum information science) to (i) determine the performance limits of quantum localization and synchronization networks, and (ii) develop strategies for exploiting the unique properties of quantum networks.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.