This grant provides support to Prof. Petros Maragos under the Foundation's Presidential Young Investigator (PYI) program. His research concerns the development of a vision module and more generally morphological signal processing. The vision module also uses morphological signal processing which is an attempt to use structure such as size and shape in signal processing. It has been most notably effective in image and vision processing, where these attributes correspond to physical quantities. Prof. Moragos is a basic contributor in this exciting new field. The PYI Awards program provides research support to the Nation's most outstanding and promising young science and engineering faculty. The awards are intended to improve the capability of U. S. academic institutions to respond to the demand for highly qualified science and engineering personnel for academic and industrial research and engineering. This PYI has made significant contributions to his field of engineering and has potential to become a leader in academic research and education. The diary note describes the rigorous PYI selection process. Prof. Moragos has obtained $34500 of industrial matching funds, thus an award of $59500 is highly recommended.