The growing demand for high speed real-time signal and image processing has led to many new parallel architectures. Among these systolic arrays is an important class of parallel architectures that has played a significant role in the VLSI implementation of algorithms of these applications. Since systolic arrays are algorithmic specific, it is essential to develop methods for the synthesis and automatic mapping of algorithms onto these arrays. Work by other researchers has addressed the synthesis problem based on uniform recurrence equations (URE) or equivalent specifications of algorithms. Local communication is an essential factor for effective realization of systolic arrays. However, compared to global communication it requires extra delays which reduce the computation time. Particularly, for many fine-grain operations where the PE has a simple structure the additional delay for the transmission of data becomes restrictive. Furthermore, many algorithms can not be directly transformed to UREs or may not exhibit the property of locality. The locality restriction can be solved by using Multi-Rate Arrays (MRA). These arrays transmit the data in a multi-rate fashion and can be used for many DSP and matrix computations resulting in speed up over systolic arrays. In this project we extend previous design methods for systolic arrays to MRAs in several directions. First, we further develop our recent results on the synthesis of MRAs and obtain a formal procedure for the design automation of MRAs. Secondly, we investigate the application of MRAs to DSP and image processing algorithms. This includes a thorough comparison of MRAs with local broadcast (systolic,) bounded-broadcast, and global broadcast arrays in terms of speedup, efficiency, architecture complexity, number of data paths, and VLSI chip area.